How We Work

We will provide an hourly based
working schedule that will give you
clear understanding of implementation
of your application.

The first step of our work is to get
acquainted with your application and
discuss the possible deadlines with our
engineering team.

Our management team will be
in daily contact providing
information related to the
developments of your project.

About Us

ShellLogix LLC was established in 2017 with a mission to offer creative solutions in the field of

We believe that contemporary ideas and technologies are the key milestones for creating strategic solutions for traditions based on businesses


ShellLogix team performs activity since 2017 and has it's own unique story.

ShellLogix came along with people who resolve unsolvable problems and gives them creative solutions. Our team is ready to work with you and we push our limits to make you; achieve your goals! The most important thing in our team is not to be just a professional specialist, our professionals are also responsible and hard working, they back anyone day and night to help them reach their purpose.

Join our team


Nairi Zaryan 74A Street


+374 95500534